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Dennis Ross thinks Israel’s decimation of Iran’s proxies in Gaza and Lebanon must be viewed in strategic terms.
John J. Donohue & Eric A. Baldwin advocate a novel legal framework that could both increase fairness and help reduce crime.
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Philippe Aghion, Mathias Dewatripont and Jean Tirole explain what EU member states must do to stop falling further behind the ...
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Isabella M. Weber, Jayati Ghosh and Sudeep Jain urge Brazil and South Africa, as successive G20 presidents, to devise a new ...
Slavoj Žižek sees developments in the year since October 7, 2023, as the logical realization of long-standing potentialities.
Savio Carvalho explains why the country must lead by example on decarbonization to become a global green leader.
Angela Huyue Zhang argues that lasting prosperity depends not on boosting demand, but on a return to bottom-up governance.
Konstantin Sonin explains the apparent resilience of growth and employment in the face of increasingly tight sanctions.