This post tells the fascinating story of two recent and remarkable developments in the decolonization of the Chagos ...
The principle uti possidetis juris, raised in the Dissenting Opinion of Vice-President Sebutinde and according to which a new ...
The recent Advisory Opinion of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) on the “Legal Consequences arising from the Policies ...
The Advisory Opinion of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) on the “Legal Consequences arising from the Policies and ...
The struggle over the Maltese investment citizenship scheme is probably one of the fiercest debates of EU constitutional law.
To redeem its commitment to an ‘emancipatory critique’, LPE would do good by supporting itself with a theory of science, or ...
In Asia, the war on fake news is reaching the next level. Several countries tightened regulatory demands over the past few ...
While the rhetorical battle over citizenship by investment has been won by the EU institutions, its legal success is still up ...
Die Vorratsdatenspeicherung erlebt einen neuen Höhenflug. auch hier auf dem Verfassungsblog fordert der bayrische ...
Law and Political Economy sharpens our understanding of how law came into being and how economic thought has shaped legal ...
In 2023, the Indian central government established a Fact Check Unit to monitor online content related to ‘any business of ...
Rund ein halbes Jahr hat die Münchener Generalstaatsanwaltschaft einen Telefonanschluss abhören lassen, der von der ...