More than half of Romanians (62%) will enthusiastically use AI technology in all aspects of life, because it will be integrated in most devices, according to a specialized survey conducted in ...
Tourists recorded this year about 208.8 million nights spent in accommodation units booked on a short term in EU, by means of Airbnb, Booking, Expedia Group and Tripadvisor, on the rise by 16.2% ...
The office occupancy costs in Bucharest have increased by approximately 10% over the past two years, being driven by the growth in operational costs and by the rent indexations in a period with high ...
Arrivals in Romania's tourist accommodation establishments (rental apartments and rooms included) between January 1 and August 31, 2024 totaled 9.839 million, up 4.8 percent year-over-year, the ...
CFR Marfa (the national railway freight transport company) recorded, in the first eight months of 2024, revenues of 581 million lei, up 2.2% compared to the same period of last year, and an operating ...
Romanians trust online trade, the number of sales is going up and cumulated figures since the beginning of the year are over initial estimates, said Irina Pencea, general manager of eMAG Romania and ...
Mountain areas and big cities such as Brasov, Bucharest, Cluj-Napoca, Sibiu and Sinaia have been the most popular destinations in Romania in the first nine months of the ongoing year, according to ...
The number of passengers in Romania who travelled by train in H1 2024 was 35.54 million, down 3% year-on-year, according to data with the National Institute of Statistics (INS).Of these, 35.299 ...
The General Prosecutor’s Office reported itself in the case of the legionary propaganda made by Diana Sosoaca, according to sources. For promoting such messages, sosoaca risks imprisonment ...
The State of Israel will do "whatever it takes" to bring home all the hostages in Gaza, the country's ambassador, Lior Ben Dor, said on Monday.He attended a ceremony in the courtyard of the Choral ...
The Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe (ALDE) has passed a resolution submitted by the Save Romania Union (USR) and the Bulgarian Movement for Rights and Freedoms (MRF) party, calling on ...
The Romanian Government reiterates its firm condemnation of the Hamas attacks against the State of Israel, as well as its calls for the immediate and unconditional release of all hostages held captive ...