Astrophotographer Mark Johnston got a front row seat to an epic fireworks show when he filmed a 100,000-mile-high tower of ...
It's been a busy week for solar activity with more powerful solar flares and geomagnetic storm possibilities in the forecast.
Of all the hair loss remedies out there, platelet-rich plasma (PRP) might be the weirdest—at least in terms of delivery. PRP ...
But when you look closely at the eruption, it appears that much of the solar material in the vast plasma plume didn't manage ...
A plume of "dark plasma" is heading toward Earth after being burped out by the sun. This coronal mass ejection (CME) was flung out from a long magnetic filament on the sun's surface and is set to ...
Detectors inside Artemis I’s Orion capsule show how much radiation exposure its mannequins underwent and how effective a ...
Caption Dark strands of plasma hovering above the sun's surface began to interact with each other in a form of tug of war over two and a half days on June 28-30, 2015. At times, strands of plasma ...
As indeed they are. Neither solid, liquid, nor gas, the sun is made up of plasma, the “fourth state of matter,” which forms when atoms are stripped down to naked protons and electrons.
An astro-photographer has captured stunning images of activity on the Sun. Eduardo Schaberger Poupeau, 51, snapped the spectacle of a plasma loop of 100,000km in height, as well as a projection of ...
For the first time, China’s powerful low-latitude, long-range ionospheric radar (LARID), located on Hainan Island, has ...
China’s EAST tokamak in Hefei held plasma stable at 70 million degrees Celsius — five times hotter than the core of the sun — ...
"In one of them, there is a large triangular blob of plasma ejected by the sun, still faintly connected via plasma that follows magnetic field lines," Johnston said.