It has been claimed that Israel's multi-layered missile air defense system has recently revealed some loopholes in Iran's ...
Sales of new cars in the region have more than doubled from last year since Hyundai Motor Group launched a global innovation ...
A candidate who failed the administrative examination of the Korea Human Resources Development Service two years ago filed a lawsuit the following year, ...
The People's Power assessed that President Yoon Suk Yeol's trip to ASEAN will serve as an opportunity to expand diplomatic horizons and economic ...
In the public office, the so-called "serving day" practice in which lower-level government officials kick their own money and serve rice to the bureau and managers remains. According to the results of ...
The former head of a KOSDAQ listed company accused of illegally raising tens of billions of won by falsely disclosing overseas investment plans has been ...
The People's Power criticized the Democratic Party for not hiding its intention to turn the parliamentary audit into a "political controversy parliamentary ...
Three people, including Kim Byung-joo, chairman of MBK Partners, who was adopted as a witness to the parliamentary audit of the National Assembly's Trade, ...
Han Ki-jung, chairman of the Fair Trade Commission, said he is making his best efforts regarding the win-win consultative body for delivery apps, but has not ...
재작년 한국산업인력공단의 행정사 시험에서 낙방한 응시자가 이듬해 산업인력공단의 국가자격시험 실시 과정에서 문제가 발생하자 채점 기준이 자의적이었다며 소송을 냈지만 졌습니다. 서울행정법원은 최근 A 씨가 산업인력공단을 상대로 제기한 불합격 처분 취소 소송에서 원고 패소로 판결했습니다. 재판부는 고용노동부가 시험 관련 사고가 지속적으로 발생한 데 대해 기관 경 ...
경영권 분쟁 이슈로 국회 산업통상자원중소벤처기업위원회 국정감사 증인으로 채택된 김병주 MBK파트너스 회장 등 3명이 내일(7일) 국감 불출석 의사를 밝혔습니다. 국회 산자위 관계자는 김 회장과 장형진 영풍그룹 회장, 최윤범 고려아연 회장이 해외 출장이나 이사회 소집 등을 이유로 국감 불출석 사유서를 냈다고 전했습니다. 앞서 산자위는 영풍그룹이 사모펀드 운용 ...