Israel detonated devices in vehicle belonging to Hezbollah on road between Kafr Sousa and Mouwasat Tunnel, as well as in ...
Paris urges Israeli authorities to immediately halt actions, protect Palestinians in occupied territories, ensure right to ...
EU and Western Balkan countries to enhance cooperation among police forces to combat human smugglers, Interior Minister Nancy ...
Türkiye urged global support for Palestine's draft resolution that was submitted Tuesday to the UN General Assembly (UNGA) ...
Congress has an immediate obligation to do two things: responsibly fund the federal government, and ensure the security of ...
Funded projects will support Rwanda's vision of becoming regional hub for pharmaceutical and biotechnology industry, says ...
– Les responsables de la Commission des Finances, venus chercher les lettres encadrant les crédits des ministères pour 2025, ...
‘Saya percaya bahwa kepentingan politik apa pun harus dikesampingkan untuk ini,’ kata pemimpin oposisi Israel Yair Lapid ...
“Mund t’ju them se SHBA-ja nuk ishte e përfshirë në të. SHBA-ja nuk ishte në dijeni të këtij incidenti paraprakisht. Dhe, në ...
- Au moins neuf personnes ont été tuées, dont un enfant, et 2 800 autres blessées mardi, dans l’explosion de bipeurs au Liban ...
Njemačka ministrica unutrašnjih poslova Nancy Faeser rekla je da su u toku razgovori između EU-a i zemalja Zapadnog Balkana o ...
Ministri libanez i Shëndetësisë, Firas Al-Abiad, tha se ndër personat e vrarë është edhe një fëmijë, ndërkohë 200 të plagosur ...