THIS monograph attracts a review, for it exhibits features of a distinctly novel nature and it approaches perfection as near as can be. The animals are the box-like sea-urchins, starfishes with ...
A Catalogue of the recent Sea-Urchins (Echinoidea) in the Collection of the British Museum (Natural History). By Hubert Lyman Clark. Pp. xxviii + 250 + 12 plates. (London: British Museum (Natural ...
This is a synapomorphy for the crown group of the Echinoidea, and is also true for all post-Palaeozoic echinoids, bar one, Tiarechinus. By contrast almost all Palaeozoic echinoids have a test which ...
each arm has 2 rows of tube feet like the asteroids. Class Echinoidea - A seastar can be transformed into a sea urchin by turning up the arms to meet dorsally, so that the tube feet are arranged in ...
Francis Jeffrey Bell died on 1 April 1924 as a result of an accident. Observations on the Characters of the Echinoidea. IV. The Echinometridae; their Affinities and Systematic Position. Proceedings of ...
Digitally restored. Antique illustration of a sea urchin viewed from above Antique illustration of a sea urchins or urchin, also called sea egg or sea hedgehogs (a spiny globular echinoderm of the ...
Specimens may be acquired by staff collecting, by exchange, or by donation. No specimens will be accessioned without adequate labeling, collection notes, field notes, or other locality information, ...
Ophiuroidea represented 53,6% of the collected species, followed by Echinoidea (28,6%), Asteroidea (7,1%), Holothuroidea (7,1%), and Crinoidea (3,6%). Ophiuroidea and Echinoidea were the most frequent ...
If stung in the face, rinse the eyes immediately and contact a doctor. The spines of a sea-urchin (Echinoidea) can puncture the skin and go into the foot. This can cause swelling and infection. The ...
Phil's research interests include product development, the tracking and controlling of foodborne pathogens, investigating the role of micro-organisms in flavour development, developing technologies ...
Abstract Plastic pollution represents a threat to marine ecosystems and has therefore been gaining space in the realm of public interest. In this study, we investigated the ingestion of food and ...
Remarks Mironov, A. N. 1978. Meridosternin echinoids (Echinoidea: Meridosternina) collected during the 16-th cruise of the R/V . Pp. 208-226 in Deep-sea bottom fauna of the subantarctic part of the ...