Our rapidly changing world calls for opportunities to learn throughout life, for individual fulfilment, social cohesion and economic prosperity. The UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL) ...
The UNESCO Multisectoral Regional Office in Beirut and UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning organized an online consultation meeting via Zoom on Wednesday, July 24, 2024, titled "Gender Equality in ...
Bogotá is committed to fostering environmental awareness and sustainability among its youth. By supporting environmental education, the city aims to engage 100 per cent of its public district schools ...
Situated in the heart of Colombia, Bogotá is the country’s capital, embodying a dynamic blend of history, culture and innovation. It is one of South America's largest and most populous urban centres, ...
The Tojeonggol Sarangbang Neighbourhood Learning Center project is a collaborative effort aimed at embedding learning and action processes within the community space. Its overarching goal is to raise ...
La cité industrielle de Jubail est le plus grand projet de développement industriel au monde. Créée en 1975, elle est située dans la province orientale de l'Arabie saoudite. Elle s'étend sur 1 016 ...
Located in the western part of Japan, Okayama City is a lively urban centre with a rich history and cultural heritage. It is also characterised by its forward-thinking initiatives to address global ...
Située dans la partie occidentale du Japon, la ville d'Okayama est un centre urbain animé, doté d'une riche histoire et d'un abondant patrimoine culturel. Elle se caractérise également par ses ...
Marrakech is an ancient city located in the centre of Morocco near two port cities and at the foot of the Grand Atlas mountain range. It is also an oasis city and a major transport hub. Subdivided ...
Les migrations et les déplacements forcés sont en nette augmentation, avec quelque 281 millions de migrants internationaux et environ 36,4 millions de réfugiés dans le monde. Cependant, malgré ...
Le district d'Eunpyeong, niché au cœur de la République de Corée, est un modèle de gestion environnementale et de durabilité. Engagé dans la lutte contre la crise climatique mondiale, Eunpyeong a ...