Discover the main findings from the OECD report “Tobacco Taxation in Latin America and the Caribbean”.
This Toolkit is a comprehensive guide designed to help policymakers and public sector leaders translate principles for safe, secure, and trustworthy Artificial Intelligence (AI) into actionable ...
This report presents a mapping exercise to identify commonalities in digital identity approaches among G7 members that can support future interoperability efforts. These commonalities include shared ...
The OECD Working Group on Bribery decided at its October 2024 meeting to cancel a high-level mission scheduled for 15-16 October to Budapest, after the Government of Hungary was unable to secure ...
This working paper explores the role of data governance in advancing people-centred justice systems. It outlines the objectives, values, and practices necessary to harness data effectively, drawing on ...
Nine out of ten consumers have been affected by “dark commercial patterns” - manipulative online design tactics such as countdown timers, hidden fees, and subscription traps that influence consumer ...
The resilience of farms in a world of increasing climate uncertainties is a growing policy concern on a global scale. Resilience means finding a balance between ensuring adequate preparation to ...
Enhanced transparency and exchange of information to put an end to bank secrecy and fight tax evasion and avoidance ...
As the trend towards the international dispersion of certain value chain activities produces challenges, discover policies to meet these Tax transparency and international co-operation Enhanced ...
Enhanced transparency and exchange of information to put an end to bank secrecy and fight tax evasion and avoidance ...