RENOVATION GRANT … Sandy Cay, Inc., received a $10,000 grant from the Bryan Area Foundation to assist in renovating their ...
SEPTEMBER WINNER ... Pictured is Kris Lowe (L), Bryan Development Board member, and award recipient, April Smith, of Bryan ...
Tommie Alan Clair, age 66, of Hicksville, passed away unexpectedly at home on Monday, 6, 2024. Prior to his retirement he had ...
By: Mike Kelly Retired Pastor Are you one of those who can spot other people's “challenges”? You’re quick to discern their ...
MAKING PROGRESS … After more than a year, Archbold Municipal Building renovations are nearly complete with inspectors ...
RIGHT TO VOTE … In preparation for the November General Election, students at Four County Career Center participated in ...
IN THE CROSSHAIRS ... The Village of Delta (its administrative offices seen here) is facing potential legal action from ...
By: Steve Wilmot Pride is ugly. We see it easily in others, but rarely in ourselves. Pride isn't earned. It comes from our ...
On September 16, 2024, the Fulton County Grand Jury considered indictments charging individuals with Fulton County crimes, ...
DONATION ACCEPTED … Superintendent Anthony Stevens and board members, David Wehrle and Patty Eicher review items on the ...
CLASS REUNION … The Edgerton Class of 1974 recently celebrated their 50th class reunion. This was held at the Montpelier ...
The Edon Village Council meeting was held on Monday September 16th. Beginning promptly at 7pm, the pledge was recited, and ...