Astronomers have traced the origins of 200 meteorites to five impact craters in two volcanic regions on Mars, known as Tharsis and Elysium. Believe it or not, debris from Mars has frequently made ...
As space agencies and private companies look toward sending human crews to Mars, they'll have to find ways to mitigate the dangers posed by high-energy radiation from solar storms. The weather on ...
Named for the god of war, Mars is our planet of will, energy, sexuality and action, getting it done and getting it on, if you will. The planetary ruler of hot-headed Aries and intense AF Scorpio ...
Then, a century ago this week, Todd hushed radio stations and flicked on a receiver in a bid to detect alien signals from Mars. With any luck, he’d get a conversation going. Skeptics scoffed ...
The SpaceX boss said the launch date is scheduled for when the next Earth-Mars transfer window opens in November 2026, which could see up to eight uncrewed Starhip missions to the Red Planet.
Mars is the commander-in-chief among planets. It is a fiery one. Gemini is the air sign that belongs to Mercury. This combination will bring about a focus on aggressive news reporting and debates.
These findings could inform the design of protective habitats and spacesuits, making long-duration Mars missions more feasible. Because Mars lacks Earth's thick atmosphere and magnetic field ...
Mars and Jupiter joined together for a planetary conjunction on Aug. 14. Both planets appeared “just a third of a degree apart, which is less than the width of the full Moon,” according to NASA.
Sign up for CNN’s Wonder Theory science newsletter. Explore the universe with news on fascinating discoveries, scientific advancements and more. The Perseverance ...
Ack-ack-ack! Sorry, something in my throat. What I meant to say is, Mars Attracts is a newly-announced theme park sim set in the universe of Mars Attacks. The ...
For early-risers on Monday, a half-moon will be visible close to the Pleiades star cluster, while on Tuesday, it will be in conjunction with Jupiter and Mars in the east-northeast sky. In the very ...